Workday Big Game Spot: Rock Star

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Workday

Workday nailed a hilariously honest take on “Rockstars” in the workplace, featuring none other than rock legends KISS, Joan Jett, and Ozzy Osbourne – it’s pure comedic gold. This B2B video ad pokes fun at the overused “rockstar” label in the corporate world while subtly highlighting Workday’s value proposition.

Let’s rock and roll through the PESO framework to see how it all comes together:

P: Problem

  • “Rockstar” Inflation: The ad tackles a common (and often cringeworthy) trend in the business world: the rampant overuse of the term “rockstar” to describe anyone who’s even mildly competent at their job. The ad, through the mouths of actual rock legends, makes it clear that being a “rockstar” in finance or HR is a far cry from living the real rock and roll lifestyle.

  • Lost Meaning and Authenticity: By humorously juxtaposing the real deal with the corporate interpretation, the ad exposes the shallowness of the “rockstar” label when used in a business context. It subtly suggests that this kind of empty praise can actually devalue the hard work and dedication of employees.

  • A Call for Genuine Recognition: The ad implies that businesses need a better way to recognize and celebrate the unique contributions of their employees, a way that feels authentic and meaningful.

E: Emotion

  • Humor and Irony: The comedic brilliance lies in its irony. Having actual rock icons school corporate folks on what it truly means to be a “rockstar” is hilarious. The deadpan delivery, the unexpected cameos, and the contrast between the rock stars’ wild lifestyles and the office setting create laugh-out-loud moments.

  • A Dash of Discomfort: The ad also subtly creates a sense of discomfort, making viewers question their own use of the term “rockstar.” It’s a clever way to spark self-awareness and encourage a more thoughtful approach to employee recognition.

  • Unexpected Delight: It’s simply fun to watch. The celebrity appearances, the playful tone, and the unexpected twists keep viewers engaged and entertained.

S: Solution

  • Celebrating Real Achievements: The ad positions Workday as a solution that helps businesses recognize and appreciate their employees for their actual achievements, not just their perceived “rockstar” status. It subtly suggests that Workday’s platform provides the tools and insights to track performance, identify top talent, and foster a culture of genuine appreciation.

  • Focus on What Matters: The ad subtly shifts the focus from empty labels to real contributions, implying that Workday helps businesses prioritize the things that truly drive success: hard work, dedication, and measurable results.

  • Building a Culture of Appreciation: The ad’s underlying message is that genuine recognition and appreciation are crucial for building a strong company culture. Workday is positioned as a partner that helps businesses cultivate a positive and rewarding work environment where employees feel valued for their unique talents and contributions.

O: Outcome

  • A More Authentic Workplace: The ad envisions a workplace where “rockstar” is no longer an empty buzzword but a term reserved for truly exceptional individuals. It suggests that Workday helps businesses create a more authentic and meaningful work experience for their employees.

  • Empowered and Engaged Employees: The ad implies that by recognizing and celebrating real achievements, businesses can empower their employees to perform at their best. Workday is presented as a tool that fosters engagement, motivation, and a sense of purpose within the workforce.

  • Real Results, Not Just Rock Shows: The ad ultimately suggests that Workday helps businesses achieve real results by focusing on the factors that truly matter: talent, performance, and a culture of appreciation. It’s a message that resonates with organizations looking to move beyond superficial labels and build a thriving, high-performing workforce.


This Workday ad is a masterpiece – a brilliant example of how a B2B video ad can leverage celebrity power, humor, and a touch of self-awareness to deliver a truly memorable message.

Their participation isn’t just a gimmick; it’s integral to the message. They add weight and humor to the criticism of corporate culture, driving home the point that real “rock stars” are forged through dedication and passion, not bestowed by job titles.

The ad successfully challenges a common workplace cliché while subtly positioning Workday as a solution that promotes genuine recognition and appreciation.