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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Aramex

Aramex did more than just deliver packages in their B2B video ad. They go beyond showcasing their efficient logistics and dives into the heart of what truly matters: human connection. 

Let’s unpack what makes this ad golden using the PESO framework:

P: Problem

  • More than just deliveries: The ad starts by subverting expectations. It opens with a scene that feels intense, almost like a heist film, as workers rush around. Then the focus shifts to a delivery driver, making us think this is a typical ad about speed and efficiency. But the voiceover quickly challenges this assumption: “Our customers don’t do what they do for likes,” suggesting there’s something deeper at play.

  • The longing for connection: The scenes that follow depict individuals and families yearning for connection: a woman working late at night, a young girl waiting eagerly for a package, an elderly man receiving a delivery with a mix of apprehension and hope. These moments subtly reveal a human need for closeness, for sharing experiences, and for bridging distances.

  • The isolation of the modern world: The ad hints at the isolating nature of modern life. The individuals are often shown alone, even in a bustling restaurant scene. This contrast reinforces the emotional impact of the deliveries, highlighting how something as simple as a package can become a powerful symbol of connection.

E: Emotion

  • Intrigue, then a heart tug: The opening scene grabs attention with its dramatic music and mysterious atmosphere. But the ad quickly pivots to a more heartwarming tone. The longing in the eyes of the child, the tender moment between the delivery driver and the elderly man sharing a meal, and the relieved joy of the woman receiving a package create a powerful emotional impact.

  • Empathy for everyday moments: The ad avoids grand gestures and instead focuses on small, everyday moments of connection. This makes it relatable and allows viewers to connect with the characters’ emotions on a personal level.

  • A reminder of what truly matters: It ultimately leaves viewers with a warm feeling and a reminder of the importance of human connection. It suggests that even in a world obsessed with technology and efficiency, simple acts of kindness and the bridging of distances can have a profound impact.

S: Solution

  • Delivering more than just packages: The ad subtly positions Aramex as more than just a logistics company. It’s a facilitator of connections, a bridge between people and their loved ones, a carrier of meaningful moments.

  • Beyond speed and efficiency: While speed and efficiency are important, the ad emphasizes that the true value of Aramex lies in its human touch. The delivery driver’s friendly interactions, his willingness to go the extra mile, and his genuine care for the people he serves embody this brand message.

  • Aramex as a symbol of hope: The ad cleverly uses the visual of the Aramex truck driving through the bustling city as a symbol of hope. It represents the possibility of connecting with loved ones, sharing experiences, and overcoming distances, even in a world that can feel isolating.

O: Outcome

  • Delivering Joy and Making a Difference: The ad showcases how Aramex deliveries lead to genuine joy and make a difference in people’s lives. The smiles on the faces of those receiving packages, the shared meal, the heartfelt connection – it all points to the positive impact of Aramex’s services.

  • Strengthening Relationships: It suggests that Aramex goes beyond simply delivering goods; it plays a role in strengthening relationships. By bridging distances and facilitating communication, Aramex helps people stay connected to the people and things that matter most.

  • A More Human-Centric Approach to Logistics: The overall message is that even in the business world, human connection is paramount. Aramex is positioned as a company that understands this and goes beyond the transactional aspect of delivery to make a positive impact on the lives of its customers.


Aramex’s ad is a beautifully crafted example of how a B2B brand can leverage emotional storytelling to create a powerful and memorable message. It enabled them to effectively highlight the human element of their services, showcasing their company’s role in delivering not just packages but also joy, connection, and a sense of hope.