This is how | Track and publish content at the speed of now

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Airtable

Airtable: Content Creation in the Fast Lane

This Airtable ad is a quick, energetic blast of visual storytelling that captures the struggles and triumphs of modern content creation. It takes a familiar B2B problem, throws in a touch of humor, and presents a solution that’s both visually appealing and potentially life-changing (well, at least for your content calendar).

Let’s break it down using the PESO framework:

P: Problem

  • The Speed of Now: Content Overload: We’re bombarded with content – articles, videos, social media posts – it’s a constant stream of information. This ad hits that nail on the head by showing a woman overwhelmed with phone calls and emails, trying to juggle it all.

  • Chaos is the New Normal: It’s not just about the speed of content, it’s about the amount. We see the classic cluttered desk, the overflowing inbox – this ad captures the real-world messiness of content creation.

  • The Juggling Act: Managing Multiple Content Projects: The video highlights the challenge of managing different content projects, from deadlines to feedback to approvals. It’s a visual representation of the constant coordination and communication needed to keep content flowing.

E: Emotion

  • Relatable Stress: Who hasn’t felt the pressure of content deadlines looming? This ad doesn’t shy away from showing the anxiety that comes with managing a content pipeline – you feel it with the frantic phone calls and the stressed expressions.

  • The Humor of Chaos: The ad uses a light-hearted touch to make the problem relatable. We see a cluttered workspace, multiple screens flashing information – it’s a funny (and slightly exaggerated) depiction of a common struggle.

  • The Urgency of “Now”: The fast-paced editing reflects the urgency of the situation. It’s like watching a content creation sprint – everything is fast, intense, and a bit chaotic.

S: Solution

  • Your Content Control Center: The ad seamlessly introduces Airtable as the visual solution to this chaotic situation. We see it in action, organizing projects, tracking deadlines, and managing multiple tasks – it looks like a breath of fresh air in a whirlwind of content creation.

  • Airtable’s Interface Shines: It highlights Airtable’s visual appeal, showcasing its colorful interface and user-friendly features. This makes it look intuitive and accessible, a crucial element in B2B software marketing.

  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Airtable is positioned as the tool for collaboration. We see multiple people working together on the platform, showcasing its ability to streamline content creation and communication within a team.

O: Outcome

  • Calm in the Storm – A More Organized Process: The outcome is a shift from frantic to focused. After seeing all the chaos, we see a team working collaboratively and calmly, with Airtable at the center of their content creation process.

  • Reaching a Global Audience: The ad emphasizes that Airtable can scale to accommodate large teams and projects, highlighting its usefulness for B2B companies with global reach. It’s a solution for the modern content creator who needs to manage content effectively across multiple platforms.

  • Content Wins – A Smoother Workflow: Airtable’s solution isn’t just about organization; it’s about success. The ad subtly suggests that Airtable helps teams produce better content, achieve their goals, and stay ahead of the curve.


Airtable gives us a masterclass in B2B video marketing, capturing the real-world challenges of content creation, leveraging humor to make a serious point, and presenting a compelling solution that looks both powerful and accessible – this short video ad is one of the best B2B video ads the year has seen, showcasing how a visual and engaging story can truly make a difference.