Join “The March” with Salesforce x Matthew McConaughey on #TeamEarth

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Salesforce

Salesforce blended cinematic storytelling and a hopeful tone to drive home their message of unity and purpose in this B2B video ad. Matthew McConaughey’s charisma brings an inspiring energy to the powerful message of collective action to inspire businesses to embrace a brighter future.

Let’s break down the gold behind their ad using the PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • The “Goodbye World” Feeling: The ad opens with a scene of Matthew in a suit walking away from a job, suggesting that cynicism and negativity are a significant problem in the world, especially in the business world. The scene evokes a sense of resignation and the feeling of being overwhelmed by global challenges.

  • A Lack of Trust and Hope: The phrase “Hope and trust are in short supply” highlights a critical issue. The scenes of people in various settings – from a laundromat to a street corner – underscore a prevailing sense of uncertainty and a lack of faith in the collective ability to make a difference.

  • The Need for a New Approach: It uses scenes of people talking about the difficulties of business, conservation, and the future of the planet to highlight a need for change and a new approach to tackling these issues. It suggests that the current way of doing business is not sustainable.

E: Emotion

  • Matthew McConaughey’s Presence: Matthew McConaughey’s charismatic personality and inspiring tone captivates viewers. His signature style and delivery adds an emotional weight to the message and his ability to connect with viewers makes the ad more impactful.

  • A Call to Action: The use of the phrase “we can make a change” encourages viewers to get involved. It evokes a sense of urgency and a shared responsibility to make a difference.

  • A Sense of Optimism: The ad transitions from a feeling of despair to a message of hope. The scene of people walking together, with a sense of unity and purpose, creates a feeling of optimism.

S: Solution

  • Salesforce: The Platform for Change: The ad positions Salesforce as a solution that can help businesses create a better future. The scene with the man in the suit talking about the need to “question again what we think we know” suggests that Salesforce offers a new perspective and tools to drive positive change.

  • Empowering Businesses: It highlights Salesforce’s ability to empower businesses to make a difference. The scenes of people working together and the message of “using our power and our people” emphasize that Salesforce is a tool that can be used to build a more sustainable and equitable world.

  • A Focus on Unity and Collaboration: They showcases how they can bring people together. The scenes of people walking and working together, with a sense of unity and shared purpose, reinforces the idea that Salesforce is a platform that can help businesses collaborate and achieve positive change.

O: Outcome

  • A More Sustainable and Equitable Future: The ad suggests that Salesforce can help build a better future. The scenes of people working together to address social issues and the tagline “Team Earth Now” emphasize Salesforce’s commitment to creating a more sustainable world.

  • The Power of Business: The phrase “It’s time for business to show its true worth” emphasize the responsibility of businesses to contribute to positive change. It suggests that businesses have the power to make a difference.

  • A New Era of Business: The ad ends with a message of hope and optimism. The final scenes of people walking together, with a sense of unity and purpose, creates a vision of a future where businesses are driving positive change. Matthew’s strong voice helps drive home the message of unity and action.


This Salesforce ad is a powerful and inspiring example of how B2B can use storytelling, a strong message, and a recognizable personality to make a lasting impact – making this ad a testament to the power of B2B video marketing.

They go beyond selling a product and instead focuses on creating a sense of community, purpose, and optimism, effectively conveying that Salesforce can be a force for positive change, empowering businesses to make a difference in the world.