Supply chain humor: Out of this world disruption – Why planning matters

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Kinexus

This Kinexus ad uses a dramatic and humorous approach to highlight the importance of supply chain planning. It embraces the challenges and uncertainties of the modern business world, showing how Kinexus can help companies navigate even the most unpredictable situations.

Let’s dissect why this B2B ad works using the PESO framework:

P: Problem

  • The Chaos of Unexpected Events: The ad opens with a tense scene in a supply chain control center. The team is on the phone, struggling with a problem—their inventory is out of stock. This scene highlights the reality of unexpected events that can disrupt even the best-laid plans.

  • The Impact of Disruptions: It uses the conversation between the team members to emphasize the consequences of supply chain disruptions. They mention a warehouse burning down, a hurricane, and shipments in transit, showing the varied and unpredictable nature of these challenges.

  • The Need for Resilience: The ad creates a sense of urgency and panic within the control center. The team members are scrambling to find solutions, showcasing the need for a proactive approach to supply chain planning.

E: Emotion

  • Humor in the Face of Crisis: They use a comedic tone to make the problem relatable. The scenes of the team members scrambling for answers, the humorous use of the word “touchdowns” to refer to disruptions, and the over-the-top news report all add a touch of humor to an otherwise stressful situation.

  • A Shared Experience: It taps into a common experience for businesses. The scene of the control center and the frantic search for solutions resonates with anyone who has faced the challenges of supply chain disruptions.

  • The Desire for Control: The ad creates a sense of frustration and helplessness. The team’s struggle to manage the situation suggests a longing for a more robust and resilient supply chain planning process.

S: Solution

  • The Supply Chain Management Solution: Kinexus is introduced as a solution to these challenges. The tagline “Supply chain planning matters” clearly positions Kinexus as a company that understands the importance of proactive planning.

  • Tackling Every Moment: The ad emphasizes Kinexus’ ability to help companies manage every moment of their supply chain. The tagline “Kinexus can help you tackle each moment—even the unbelievable ones” suggests that the platform can help businesses navigate unexpected events and maintain a smooth and efficient supply chain.

  • A Proactive Approach: It highlights Kinexus’ focus on proactive planning. The scenes of the team members using the platform to track inventory, monitor shipments, and manage potential disruptions showcase the platform’s ability to help businesses anticipate and mitigate risk.

O: Outcome

  • A Resilient and Efficient Supply Chain: The ad suggests that Kinexus can help businesses create a more resilient and efficient supply chain. The final scene of the team working confidently, with a clear understanding of their inventory and shipments, shows the positive outcome of using Kinexus.

  • Confidence and Control: Viewers are left with a sense of confidence and control. The final scene of the team working together, with a clear understanding of their supply chain, suggests that Kinexus can help businesses feel more confident and in control of their operations.

  • A Competitive Advantage: The ad implies that Kinexus can provide businesses with a competitive advantage. The final scene of the team working seamlessly, with a well-managed supply chain, suggests that Kinexus can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and thrive in the face of uncertainty.


It’s a exemplar B2B video ad that highlights the importance of supply chain planning and demonstrates the power of Kinexus to help businesses manage even the most unpredictable events, effectively posing Kinexus as a solution that can help businesses gain confidence, control, and a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment.