1Password Reinvents Cybersecurity & Tired B2B Advertising (With Ryan Reynolds)
The realm of data security is as thrilling as watching paint dry, but 1Password’s latest video breaks that monotony with a healthy blend of problem-humor (that actually made you forget that you’re learning about how to keep your passwords safe) and Ryan Reynolds.
Let’s dive into how 1Password leveraged the Problemotional Formula to produce one of 2023’s most successful B2B video ads:
1. Problem: Password Mayhem
This B2B video ad kicks off with Ryan Reynolds diving headfirst into the chaos of password management, showcasing the everyday frustrations of password practices – forgotten, overused “12345,” – making this corporate video relatable and funny. It’s like they’re saying, “Remember how boring B2B videos can be? We do, and that’s why we’re flipping the script with charm and comedic flair, thanks to Mr. Reynolds.”
2. Agitation: B2B Video Took The Road Less Traveled
1Password took data security ads to another level, a laugh-out-loud level, with comically inept attempts to remember passwords. This isn’t just about highlighting a problem; it’s about making that problem so exaggeratedly annoying that it’s both comedy and memorable.
3. Solution: 1Password to the Rescue
Swooping in like a data superhero to secure your passwords, 1Password decided to showcase how effortlessly they can streamline the process of managing your passwords and make it a stress-free experience without the usual mundane blast of a product offering in your face. They present their solution with comedic flair and precision, proving that not only can they solve your problem, but entertain while showing you they can.
4. Emotion: A No to Chaos. A Yes to Comedy
1Password went against the status quo and proved that corporate videos don’t have to be boring. They moved this B2B video ad’s emotional journey from chaos to assurance; combining humor and their practical solution – setting themselves apart from others in B2B.
Wit: In this B2B video ad, using a sharp and creative storyline brings the problem of poor password management and their solution to life.
Humor: Reynolds brings his unique blend of humor (and charm) keeping this corporate video enjoyable, whilst addressing the madness we experience when it comes to password management.
Fun: This B2B video ad is a refreshing departure from the typical corporate videos with an overall tone of less “serious data security solution” and more “let’s have a good laugh while we solve your password problems.”
They took this ad from being an average corporate ad to an enjoyable watch that might have you hitting replay instead of the skip button. The emotional arc – from password chaos to seamless management – resonates with their audience and drives home the value of this solution, making the end result, using 1Password, feel like a win both in terms of security and entertainment.
Why It’s B2B Video Gold:
1Password’s corporate video makes a standout example of what B2B video advertising should look like. Addressing the frustrations of password management, but amplified them with humor, making the problem clear and relatable. Then presenting the solution with a comedic twist, effectively engages their audience; demonstrating how they can transform a painful process into a smooth experience.
The Soft Sell Cherry on Top:
Instead of the typical dry “how to keep your data secure” pitch, this corporate video wraps up with a light-hearted note using the Problemotional formula’s final touch to create that connection with their audience and the sense that 1Password is the solution to their password woes.
The Bottom Line:
In a landscape often dominated by dull corporate videos, 1Password’s approach is such a breath of fresh air, standing out as a successful blend of creativity and effectiveness.
This B2B video ad is a masterclass in applying the “Problemotional Formula” to B2B video advertising. 1Password identifies and amplifies their audience’s common pain points with humor, providing a clear solution, elevated by Reynolds’ performance, leaving viewers amused and engaged.