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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: ClickFunnels

Build Sales Funnels Like a Pro (and Get Rid of the “Ugh”)

ClickFunnels nailed that “before and after” vibe, amplifying how they can take those stressful moments of pitching and turn them into a smooth, seamless experience. It’s a clever way to address a common business challenge: making sure your ideas get noticed.

Let’s break down their B2B video ad using the trusty PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • The Pitch Deck Nightmare: It starts with a woman feeling overwhelmed. She’s got post-it notes all over her board, and she’s struggling to get her pitch deck right. We’ve all been there! It’s a challenge to create a presentation that’s both professional and captivating.

  • The Fear of a “No”: They subtly convey the anxiety that comes with pitching ideas to investors or clients. It’s not easy to put your heart and soul into a pitch and then have it fall flat.

  • The Need for a Winning Strategy: The ad highlights that you need more than just a good idea to get your business off the ground. It’s all about presentation.

E: Emotion

  • Humorous and Relatable: They embrace humor and relatable situations to make a point. The scene where the team is struggling to put together their pitch and then the visual effect of them being “stung” is a funny take on the challenges of pitching.

  • Visually Engaging: It uses a creative visual style that captures the viewer’s attention and helps to make the message more memorable.

  • The “A-ha” Moment: The ad creates a “wow” moment when the team discovers ClickFunnels and how it makes crafting a pitch deck easier. You get a sense of hope that there’s a better way to do things.

S: Solution

  • ClickFunnels: The Pitch Deck Superpower: The ad introduces ClickFunnels as the solution. It’s a platform designed to make creating powerful presentations easier and more efficient.

  • From Brainstorm to Stunning Pitch: They showcases how they can help you go from brainstorming to building a professional and compelling pitch deck – without the added loads of stress.

  • Collaboration Made Simple: ClickFunnels shows how you can collaborate with your team to perfect your pitch deck.

O: Outcome

  • A Pitch That Makes an Impact: The ad shows a team using ClickFunnels to create a pitch that’s both engaging and powerful.

  • More Confidence, More Success: They suggest that by using their platform, you can create a pitch deck that will help you get the results you’re looking for.

  • The Future of Pitching: The ad sparks feelings of hope for the viewers, in that ClickFunnels can help them create compelling presentations that will take their ideas to the next level.


With ClickFunnels, you can build sales funnels like a pro and get rid of the “Ugh”. It’s a prime example of a B2B video ad that gets straight to the point, using a unique, memorable style to capture attention and make a compelling case for its platform.

ClickFunnels drive home their value offering of being the help tool that businesses need to create a powerful and effective sales strategy.