Ask. Listen. Act. ❘ Giancarlo Esposito and SurveyMonkey

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey made the choice, to break the monotony of B2B video advertising and produce one of the best B2B video ads 2023 has seen.

Let’s analyze their video ad using the PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • Global Uncertainty: SurveyMonkey expertly taps into the current feeling of global uncertainty, highlighting the anxiety that many business leaders are experiencing. It uses visuals of news headlines and phrases like “They didn’t teach this,” creating a sense of being unprepared for the current challenges.

  • Lack of Control: It emphasizes the feeling of being overwhelmed and lacking control, which is a common pain point for B2B audiences. The video uses visual cues, like the frantic phone notifications, to communicate the feeling of being bombarded by information.

  • The Need for Insights: They subtly establishes the problem of not having enough data or insights to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing world. This sets the stage for the solution and creates a sense of urgency.

E: Emotion

  • Serious Tone: The video uses a serious tone, avoiding humor or lightheartedness. However, it’s the serious tone, contrasted with the casting of Giancarlo Esposito, that fuels the irony and humor.

  • Visual Impact: Throughout the video, they use stark visuals, like the news headlines and the frantic phone notifications, to amplify the feeling of anxiety and uncertainty.

  • Relatability: The ad subtly connects with relatable anxieties, using phrases like “Cancel culture” and “canceled flights,” creating a sense of shared experience.

  • Ironic Casting: Giancarlo Esposito is known for playing powerful, intimidating characters. Seeing him in this ad, discussing everyday anxieties and seemingly mundane issues, creates a humorous subversion of expectations. His deadpan delivery adds to the irony, making it even funnier.

S: Solution

  • Actionable Insights: The ad’s call to action, “Ask. Listen. Then Act,” implicitly introduces SurveyMonkey as the solution. It emphasizes the importance of gathering data and insights to make informed decisions.

  • Empowerment: The ad implies that SurveyMonkey can provide the tools and data needed to navigate uncertain times and regain a sense of control. This is a powerful message that resonates with their B2B audience.

  • Confidence Building: The speaker’s shift from an anxious tone to a confident and assured delivery as he delivers the call to action creates a sense of optimism and empowerment.

O: Outcome

  • Implied Success: The video ad doesn’t explicitly show the outcome of using SurveyMonkey, but it implies a positive outcome through the speaker’s confidence and the upbeat green background of the SurveyMonkey logo.

  • Sense of Control: The viewer is left to imagine the positive outcome of gathering actionable insights and regaining control in the face of uncertainty.

  • Motivation: The video subtly motivates viewers to take action, suggesting that using SurveyMonkey will lead to better outcomes and a more positive future.


SurveyMonkey’s video ad cleverly employs the “problemotional” formula, leveraging a serious tone, relatable anxieties, and a strong call-to-action to connect with their audience of business leaders – presenting themselves as the solution for navigating uncertainty and regaining control.

The ad’s unexpected casting choice and subtle humor add a memorable element, making it stand out from other video ads in the realm of B2B.