Collabria | Get Your Team Out of Their Bubbles!

A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Collabria

Collabria breaks free from the “bubble” with this fun and creative take on the challenges of collaboration in today’s work world. It’s got a quirky and memorable visual style that really gets your attention.

Let’s dissect it using the PESO framework, and see what makes it tick:

P: Problem/Pain

  • The Isolation Game: The woman wearing a snow globe over her head, suggests the feeling of being isolated and cut off from the rest of her team. Many of us can relate to that feeling of being stuck in our own bubble. It’s a bit comical, but it perfectly captures the frustration of teams who feel disconnected and unable to communicate effectively.

  • The Struggle to Stay Connected: The ad highlights the challenges of keeping everyone on the same page when working on a project. This is a real pain point for businesses, especially in a world where teams are becoming more geographically dispersed.

  • Missed Opportunities: It shows how difficult it can be to get everyone on the same page, especially when working remotely. It suggests that this lack of connection can lead to delays, misunderstandings, and missed opportunities.

E: Emotion

  • Humorous Visuals: The ad’s visuals are a hoot! The people wearing bubble helmets is a clever and unexpected image that really captures the sense of isolation that can happen when teams are not connected. It’s a lighthearted way to make a serious point about communication.

  • Relatable Struggle: We’ve all experienced that feeling of being stuck in our own little world, especially when trying to work remotely. This ad taps into those emotions and makes it easy to relate to the characters.

  • The Power of Connection: The ad shows how important it is for teams to be able to connect and collaborate effectively.

S: Solution

  • The Key to Collaboration: The ad introduces Collabria as a solution that can make a difference for businesses and help teams work together more effectively.

  • Simple, Powerful Collaboration: The ad highlights how Collabria can simplify communication and make it easier to collaborate on projects, leading to better results.

  • Bringing Teams Together: Collabria is presented as a solution that can help businesses build stronger teams and improve communication.

O: Outcome

  • More Effective Teamwork: The ad shows how using Collabria can help teams work together more effectively, leading to better results and a more positive workplace environment.

  • A More Efficient Workflow: It suggests that using Collabria can help businesses streamline their workflows and get more done, making them more productive and successful.

  • A More Connected Workplace: The ad shows how Collabria can bring teams together and create a more collaborative work environment.


It’s a B2B video ad that uses a creative and relatable approach to highlight a common problem, making a compelling case for how Collabria can bring teams together and make communication less frustrating. It’s definitely a memorable ad that will stick with viewers, and it’s a reminder that B2B video ads can be fun and creative.

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