FloQast | Are Your Anxiety Animals Running Wild?

A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: FloQast

FloQast cleverly taps into the all-too-familiar stress and chaos that often plague the accounting department during month-end close. Rather than simply stating the problem, this B2B video ad uses a humorous and chaotic visual metaphor – a literal office overrun by animals – to capture the emotional turmoil of accountants under pressure.

Let’s break it down using the trusty PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • The Monthly Madness of Month-End Close: The ad opens with a rapid-fire series of questions that highlight the intense pressure and demands placed on accounting teams during month-end close. “When’s revenue going to be closed?” “Where’s the AR clerk?” These phrases instantly resonate with anyone who has experienced the urgency and scrutiny of this critical period.

  • “Anxiety Animals” Running Wild: The ad’s central metaphor is brilliant: a chaotic office overrun by animals, representing the stress, frustration, and feeling of being overwhelmed that accountants often experience. A monkey on the CEO’s head, a wolf guarding a laptop charger, a llama chewing on paperwork – it’s a visual representation of the “anxiety animals” running wild during the close process.

  • The Toll on Productivity and Well-being: They subtly touche on the negative impact of this chaos on both productivity and employee well-being. The frantic energy, the shouting, the stressed-out expressions all point to a work environment that’s not only inefficient but also detrimental to mental health.

E: Emotion

  • Humorous Chaos: They use humor to make a serious point. The unexpected sight of animals wreaking havoc in an office setting is inherently funny, creating a lighthearted tone that helps to make the ad memorable.

  • Empathy for Accountants: Beneath the humor, there’s a sense of empathy for the challenges that accountants face. The ad acknowledges the pressure, the long hours, and the emotional toll of dealing with a complex and demanding process.

  • Relief Through a Solution: The introduction of FloQast brings a shift in the emotional tone. The return to a calm and organized office environment, coupled with the promise of a 26% faster and 39% more accurate close process, offers a sense of relief and hope.

S: Solution

  • Taming the Chaos: The ad positions FloQast as the solution to the month-end madness. It’s presented as a tool that brings order, efficiency, and peace of mind to the accounting close process.

  • Built by Accountants, for Accountants: It emphasizes that FloQast was “created by accountants, for accountants.” This implies a deep understanding of the pain points and challenges faced by accounting professionals, positioning FloQast as a solution that’s tailored to their specific needs.

  • Collaborative and Streamlined: The scene where a team collaborates on a laptop, using FloQast to review financial data, suggests a more streamlined and efficient approach to the close process. It highlights the collaborative nature of the platform, allowing teams to work together seamlessly.

O: Outcome

  • A Faster and More Accurate Close: The ad promises tangible benefits, such as a 26% faster and 39% more accurate close process. This addresses the problem of inefficiency and errors, allowing accounting teams to close the books with confidence.

  • Reduced Stress and Improved Well-being: The ad implies that by using FloQast, accounting teams can escape the stressful and chaotic environment depicted earlier. This leads to improved morale, reduced burnout, and a more positive work experience.

  • A More Strategic Role for Accountants: By automating tedious tasks and providing real-time insights, FloQast frees up accountants to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. This empowers them to play a more significant role in the success of their organization.


By using the “anxiety animals” metaphor, FloQast’s ad effectively captures the emotional turmoil of month-end close, creating a relatable and memorable message, promising a solution that not only streamlines processes but also improves employee well-being and empowers accountants to take on a more strategic role – It’s a brilliant example of how to use problem-humor to tackle a serious business challenge and deliver a stand-out B2B video ad.

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