Gong | Super Bowl Commercial 2022

A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Gong

Gong’s video ad is a hilarious take on the everyday challenges of sales teams, using a surprising twist with the introduction of gongs to highlight the platform’s ability to boost sales performance. It’s a fun and memorable B2B video that emphasizes the power of insight and data to help sales teams close more deals.

Let’s take a closer look at the gold behind this video ad with the PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • The Struggle to Close Deals: The ad opens with a man in a suit walking up a staircase, suggesting the uphill battle that sales teams face when trying to close deals. The scenes of the team working in an open office, with a sense of urgency and focus, show the effort and determination that go into achieving sales success.

  • The Lack of Visibility: It uses the phrase “we gave everyone sales gongs” to highlight the common problem of limited visibility into sales performance. It suggests that sales teams are often working in silos, lacking the insights they need to improve their strategies and close more deals.

  • The Importance of Data: The ad emphasizes the need for data-driven insights to optimize sales performance. The scene of the man in the suit talking about the need to unlock potential through Gong suggests that data and analysis are crucial for driving success.

E: Emotion

  • Humor in the Workplace: The ad uses humor to make the problem relatable. The scenes of the team members using gongs to celebrate successes – and even to wake up colleagues – add a playful touch to the familiar challenges of the sales world.

  • A Celebration of Success: Gong showcases the excitement and energy that comes with closing deals. The use of gongs as a celebratory tool suggests a positive and motivating environment within the sales team.

  • The Power of Collaboration: The ad uses the scene of the team working together to highlight the importance of collaboration. The use of gongs as a way to share successes and motivate each other suggests a sense of camaraderie and shared goals.

S: Solution

  • The Sales Performance Platform: The ad introduces Gong as a solution that can help sales teams improve their performance. The scenes of the team using Gong to analyze data, gain insights, and strategize effectively showcases the platform’s ability to empower sales professionals.

  • Unlocking Potential: It emphasizes how Gong can help teams achieve their full potential. The use of a gong as a metaphor for unlocking potential reinforces the idea that Gong can help sales teams achieve new levels of success.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Gong highlights their ability to provide data-driven insights. The scenes of the team using the platform to analyze calls, understand customer behavior, and identify opportunities suggest that Gong is a powerful tool for driving sales performance.

O: Outcome

  • Closing More Deals: The ad suggests that Gong can help teams close more deals. The opening statement – “Thanks to Gong, our sales teams are closing more deals than ever” – sets the stage for the positive outcome of using the platform.

  • A More Effective Sales Process: Gong amplifies how they can streamline and improve the sales process. The scenes of the team working more effectively, with better insights and communication, suggest that Gong can lead to a more efficient and successful sales process.

  • A Motivated and Successful Sales Team: It ends with a message of positivity and success. The final scene of the team using Gong and celebrating their victories suggests that the platform can help create a motivated and successful sales team.


Gong demonstrates how B2B video marketing can be successful when it uses a creative and unexpected approach to grab attention, tell a compelling story, and leave a lasting impression.

Their B2B video ad effectively conveys that Gong can help sales teams gain the insights they need to close more deals, improve their processes, and achieve their goals.

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