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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: GitHub

This B2B video ad ditches the boring, serious talking heads and jumps into a world of vibrant colours, exploring a unique style of animation with the added cuteness of the rubber ducky, creating this kind of cool, almost magical effect throughout. GitHub’s ad did a great job in capturing attention. 

What makes them unique? Let’s break it down using the PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • The Lone Wolf Programmer: It starts out by showing a guy who seems like he’s struggling with some code. He’s sitting there, thinking, “What is GitHub?” It highlights the common challenge for developers – sometimes, it feels like they’re working in isolation and they might not know where to turn for help.

  • The Need for Collaboration: The ad shows that, in this digital age, it’s no longer enough to work alone. You need to be able to collaborate with other developers to create something truly amazing.

  • The Struggle to Build from Scratch: They suggest that developers need a better way to collaborate and share code. Starting from scratch every time can be a huge waste of time and energy.

E: Emotion

  • Humor and Wonder: It’s funny! The giant rubber ducky is a cool and unexpected visual, and it adds a touch of whimsy to the ad. It’s a little silly, but it’s also engaging and creates a sense of wonder.

  • Visual Storytelling: The animation is super cool. It’s got this retro-futuristic vibe, which makes it feel more creative and exciting.

  • A Sense of Possibility: The ad highlights the possibilities of collaboration, suggesting that with the right tools, developers can accomplish anything.

S: Solution

  • The Future of Collaboration: It introduces GitHub as a platform that makes it easier for developers to collaborate and build amazing things.

  • A Platform for Shared Innovation: The ad showcases how GitHub provides a space for developers to work together, share code, and learn from each other, which ultimately helps them create more innovative solutions.

  • A More Connected Future: GitHub expresses how they can help developers connect with other creators, build stronger communities, and build a brighter future for the tech industry.

O: Outcome

  • Empowering Developers: The ad amplifies how GitHub empowers developers to work together and build incredible things. The final scene of the developer on the cloud, with the giant rubber ducky, suggests a sense of accomplishment and boundless possibilities.

  • Building a Better World: It suggests that by using GitHub, developers can create a better future for everyone by building solutions that change the world.

  • The Power of Collaboration: The ad leaves viewers with the feeling that with GitHub, developers can achieve their goals and make a positive impact.


GitHub’s creative visual style, humor, and a sense of wonder effectively communicates the importance of collaboration in the tech world and how they can help developers collaborate and build amazing things, but it also has this kind of philosophical message about the power of collaboration and the importance of teamwork.

It’s a B2B video ad that serves as a model example of how B2B ads can be more interesting and memorable – getting away from the typical, serious approach.