What is Keap? An Easy Sales and Marketing Automation Software + CRM

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: Keap

Keap’s ad cleverly uses humor and relatable scenarios to illustrate the challenges that small business owners and entrepreneurs face in managing their sales and marketing efforts. This B2B video ad’s high energy, fast-paced editing, and witty dialogue quickly grab attention and effectively communicate the value proposition of Keap’s automation platform.

Let’s dive into the PESO framework to analyze how this ad strikes the right balance between humor and a clear message:

P: Problem/Pain

  • Overwhelmed by Tasks and Technology: The ad opens with a series of quick cuts showing different individuals struggling to juggle various tasks and technologies. From a frazzled entrepreneur with a monkey on his back to a woman exasperated with her disconnected laptop, these scenes instantly resonate with anyone who has felt overwhelmed by the demands of managing a small business.

  • Disjointed Processes, Missed Opportunities: They cleverly depicts the challenges of using multiple, disconnected tools for sales and marketing. The question “When’s revenue going to be closed?” followed by the chaotic office scene, highlights the inefficiency and frustration that can arise from a lack of streamlined processes. This leads to missed opportunities, lost leads, and ultimately, slower growth.

  • The Burnout Factor: It subtly touches on the emotional toll of juggling too many tasks. The line “You haven’t slept in three days, Terry” and the image of an exhausted business owner slumped over his desk speak to the burnout that many entrepreneurs experience when they’re constantly trying to keep up.

E: Emotion

  • Humorous Relatability: The ad’s humor stems from its relatable scenarios and characters. The witty dialogue, the over-the-top reactions, and the unexpected presence of animals in the office create laugh-out-loud moments that make the ad enjoyable to watch.

  • A Touch of Frustration: While the overall tone is lighthearted, the ad also acknowledges the genuine frustration that many small business owners feel when dealing with inefficient processes, technology glitches, and the constant pressure to achieve growth.

  • Hope and Empowerment: The introduction of Keap as a solution brings a shift in the emotional tone. The ad implies that Keap can alleviate the stress and chaos, empowering businesses to take control of their sales and marketing efforts.

S: Solution

  • Your All-in-One Growth Engine: The ad positions Keap as a comprehensive solution that “helps you collect more leads, convert more clients, and create more fans.” It emphasizes the platform’s ability to automate and streamline sales and marketing tasks, taking the burden off of busy entrepreneurs.

  • Personalized and Collaborative: The ad highlights features like one-on-one coaching, personalized playbooks, and automated workflows. This suggests a personalized and collaborative approach, with Keap acting as a partner in the business’s growth journey.

  • Putting “Magic” into Automation: The ad playfully uses the word “magic” to describe Keap’s capabilities. This reinforces the idea that Keap can transform a chaotic and overwhelming experience into something that’s smooth, efficient, and even enjoyable.

O: Outcome

  • Increased Sales and Growth: The ad promises tangible results, such as increased leads, higher conversion rates, and improved customer value. It implies that Keap can help businesses achieve their growth goals faster and more effectively.

  • A More Relaxed and Focused Approach: The ad’s concluding scenes, showing a calmer and more organized office environment, suggest that Keap leads to a more relaxed and focused approach to business. By automating tasks and providing a clear path to growth, Keap allows entrepreneurs to spend less time on administrative chores and more time on their passion and their customers.

  • A Shift in Perspective: The ad encourages viewers to re-evaluate their approach to sales and marketing. It suggests that Keap can help them move away from a reactive, stressful, and disjointed way of working towards a more proactive, streamlined, and enjoyable experience.


It’s a B2B video that effectively captures the emotional roller coaster of running a small business, offering Keap as the solution that not only streamlines processes but also reduces stress and empowers entrepreneurs to achieve their growth goals with confidence (and maybe even get a good night’s sleep).

Keap’s gives us a fine example of how problem-humor and relatability can be used to make the B2B space feel more memorable and desirable.