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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: 37 Signals

37 Signals’ ad, set in a delightfully retro 1987 office, delivers a powerful message: the way we work doesn’t have to be a soul-crushing, overly complicated mess. The sharp humor and time-traveling twist effectively captures the pain points of convoluted processes and the longing for simpler, more efficient solutions.

Let’s explore how this ad shines using the PESO framework:

P: Problem/Pain

  • Trapped in the Past: The opening visual of a dated office, complete with bulky computers and clunky technology, instantly transports viewers back to 1987. This establishes a visual metaphor for outdated, inefficient work practices that still plague many businesses today. The ad implies that despite technological advancements, many businesses are still stuck in the past when it comes to how they operate.

  • Overworked and Overwhelmed: The ad focuses on the emotional toll of this outdated approach. The woman in the cubicle appears stressed and on edge before a dramatic “system meltdown” erupts. This visually represents the feeling of being overwhelmed by complex processes, technology failures, and the relentless demands of modern work.

  • Longing for a Way Out: The woman’s desperate plea, “Just let me do my job!” captures a universal desire for simplicity and effectiveness. It highlights the frustration of being bogged down by unnecessary tasks, meetings, and tools that hinder productivity and create unnecessary stress.

E: Emotion

  • Humor with a Dark Edge: The ad cleverly blends humor and drama to create a heightened sense of tension. The exaggerated visuals of the “meltdown,” the absurdity of a time-traveling consultant, and the woman’s panicked reaction evoke laughter while also striking a chord of recognition with viewers who have experienced similar workplace anxieties.

  • Yearning for a Better Way: The ad taps into a deep-seated yearning for a more streamlined and less stressful work experience. The woman’s desperate desire to escape the chaos and simply focus on her work resonates with anyone who has felt bogged down by unnecessary complexities.

  • Skepticism and Relief: The initial skepticism towards the time-traveling consultant, followed by the gradual acceptance of her advice and the eventual embrace of a simpler solution, creates a satisfying emotional arc. It mirrors the journey many businesses go through when transitioning to a more efficient way of working.

S: Solution

  • A Portal to the Future of Work: The ad implicitly positions 37 Signals as a solution that can transport businesses from the outdated practices of the past to the streamlined workflows of the future. It’s presented as a tool that cuts through the noise and allows teams to focus on what truly matters.

  • Simplicity and Clarity: The ad doesn’t delve into specific features of 37 Signals but emphasizes its core values: simplicity and clarity. It suggests that 37 Signals provides a clear and organized space for communication, project management, and collaboration, eliminating the need for excessive emails, meetings, and “gifts and emojis.”

  • Focusing on the Essentials: The ad’s message is that real work doesn’t require endless bells and whistles. 37 Signals, by implication, helps businesses strip away the unnecessary complexities and get back to the fundamentals of effective teamwork.

O: Outcome

  • Reclaiming Control and Productivity: The ad implies that 37 Signals allows businesses to reclaim control over their time and energy. By streamlining communication and project management, teams can work more efficiently, reduce stress, and achieve better results.

  • A More Focused and Harmonious Workplace: It suggests that 37 Signals fosters a more focused and harmonious work environment. By providing a clear and centralized platform for communication and collaboration, it eliminates distractions and helps teams work together more effectively.

  • Freeing Up Time for What Matters: The ad’s subtle message is that 37 Signals allows businesses to free up time for the things that truly matter: their customers, their passion, and their personal lives. By reducing unnecessary busywork, 37 Signals enabling space for creativity, innovation, and a more balanced work-life integration.


The time-traveling adventure in this B2B video ad is a clever and effective way to highlight the absurdity of outdated work practices and the longing for simplicity. 37 Signals uses humor and a relatable scenario to successfully capture attention and drive home the value of their solution: a no-nonsense approach to simplifying small business chaos.