360Learning – Upskill From Within

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A “Problemotional” Review of 2023’s Best B2B Video Ads: 360Learning

This B2B video ad tackles a common business challenge: the struggle to adapt and up-skill in the face of rapid change. 360Learning decided to blend humor and relatable workplace scenarios to showcase how their collaborative learning platform can empower teams to embrace “Big New Ideas” and turn them into bite-sized learning.

Let’s break down the ad using the PESO framework:

P: Problem

  • The “Big New Idea” Conundrum: The ad kicks off with a classic workplace problem: a vague, but potentially game-changing, concept (“Big New Idea”) that everyone is buzzing about but no one fully understands. This instantly resonates with viewers who’ve experienced the confusion and frustration of trying to keep up with industry shifts and new initiatives.

  • Knowledge Gaps and Silos: They subtly highlight the challenges of knowledge silos within organizations. While someone in the company might have the expertise on the “Big New Idea,” that knowledge isn’t effectively disseminated throughout the team. This leads to a scramble to find the expert and get everyone up to speed – quickly!

  • Traditional Training Isn’t Agile Enough: It hints at the limitations of traditional training methods. Finding external experts, scheduling sessions, and hoping that information sticks can be time-consuming and ineffective in a fast-paced business environment.

E: Emotion

  • A Mix of Excitement and Anxiety: The ad captures the mixed emotions surrounding new initiatives. There’s excitement about the potential of the “Big New Idea” but also anxiety about understanding its complexities and implementing it effectively.

  • Relatable Workplace Dynamics: The interactions between the characters feel genuine and familiar. The subtle eye rolls, the awkward pauses, the “new guy” thrown into the deep end – it’s all very relatable to anyone who’s worked in a team environment.

  • Relief and Optimism: The introduction of 360Learning brings a sense of relief. The ad implies that the platform provides a solution to the knowledge gap and offers a more streamlined and engaging approach to training and development.

S: Solution

  • Collaborative Learning in Action: The ad positions 360Learning as a learning management system (LMS) that empowers teams to collaborate, share knowledge, and up-skill quickly. The emphasis on “collaborative learning” distinguishes 360Learning from traditional, top-down training models.

  • Unlocking Internal Expertise: The ad demonstrates how 360Learning helps businesses tap into the knowledge and experience of their own employees. By creating and sharing courses internally, organizations can leverage the expertise of their “Big New Idea” experts without relying on external resources.

  • Streamlined Learning Experience: The ad showcases the platform’s intuitive interface, social learning features, and easy content creation tools. This positions 360Learning as a user-friendly solution that simplifies the training process for both creators and learners.

O: Outcome

  • From Confusion to Clarity: It depicts a clear shift from initial confusion about the “Big New Idea” to a state of understanding and confidence. The team members, through 360Learning, can access the information they need, ask questions, and quickly get up to speed.

  • Empowered Employees, Agile Teams: The ad suggests that 360Learning empowers employees to become active participants in their learning and development. This leads to a more agile and responsive workforce, capable of adapting to change and implementing new ideas quickly.

  • A Culture of Continuous Learning: The ad’s ending, with the team collaborating and even “finishing each other’s sandwiches” (a fun visual metaphor), suggests that 360Learning fosters a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing. This creates a more connected and engaged workforce, driving both individual and organizational growth.


360Learning’s ad effectively uses a relatable scenario and a touch of humor to highlight the challenges of adapting to new ideas in the workplace, successfully positioning their platform as a solution that promotes collaborative learning, streamlines knowledge sharing, and empowers teams to embrace change and achieve success.

It’s a strong example of a B2B video ad that leverages the “problemotional” approach to speak directly to the needs of businesses seeking to up-skill their workforce and stay ahead of the competition.